Thursday, October 27, 2016

7 Tabiat Harian Anda Yang Menyebabkan Rambut Gugur

7 Tabiat Harian Anda Yang Menyebabkan Rambut Gugur

Walaupun telah memakai pelbagai jenis produk, rambut masih gugur dan kelihatan tidak bermaya. Ia mungkin berpunca daripada tabiat anda yang menghentikan pertumbuhan rambut baru dan menggalakkan rambut gugur.
Adakah anda gemar melakukan perkara-perkara ni tanpa disedari?

1. Gemar Mencabut Rambut

Geram dengan rambut beruban, rambut gatal, atau sekadar hobi, tabiat ini sama sekali perlu dihentikan!
Tindakan ini bukan saja membahayakan dalam jangka masa panjang, tetapi ia sebenarnya adalah sebuah kondisi yang digelar ‘alopecia’, dikaitkan dengan kemurungan.
Jika berasa tidak selesa dengan rambut, mungkin ada baiknya anda memotong rambut pendek agar mudah diurus. Kegatalan dapat dikurangkan, manakala kebersihan rambut pun lebih terjamin.

2. Bertocang Dan Mengenakan Klip Sepanjang Hari

Sememangnya anda akan kelihatan lebih kemas dan terurus apabila mengenakan ikat rambut dan klip. Tetapi, pastikan anda tidak mengenakannya sepanjang hari.
Sekali-sekala, longgarkan ikatan rambut dan minimumkan penggunaan klip yang mencengkam pada kulit kepala. Ini akan menjadikan peredaran darah lebih lancar dan sekaligus memastikan kulit kepala lebih sihat.
Kalau tiada pilihan, pastikan anda melepaskan rambut ketika masuk tidur. Lebih baik lagi sekiranya anda mengambil sedikit masa mengenakan minyak rambut sambil memberi urutan lembut pada kulit kepala.

3. Memakai Tudung Semasa Rambut Masih Lembap

Perkara ini memang biasa terjadi, terutamanya di kalangan pelajar mahupun pekerja.
Untuk mengelakkan keadaan ini, bangun lebih awal untuk bersiap supaya rambut anda dapat dikeringkan dengan sempurna. Jika tidak, cucilah rambut pada sebelah petang atau malam, supaya anda tidak perlu mencucinya pada waktu pagi.

4. Tidak Meneruskan Perawatan Khas Setelah Mendandan Rambut Di Salon

Tidak salah kalau ingin bergaya, tetapi pastikan anda mengambil langkah penjagaan rambut yang lebih rapi. Ini kerana, rambut anda yang telah mengalami proses dandanan di salon kini memerlukan perhatian yang khusus.
Biasanya, anda boleh mendapatkan pendapat pendandan rambut yang dapat memberikan nasihat tentang penjagaan rambut selepas sesebuah proses penggayaan.
Maka, jangan kedekut untuk membelanjakan sedikit wang bagi memastikan rambut anda mendapat nutrien yang secukupnya.

5. Terlalu Kerap Mandi Air Panas

Sebenarnya, apa-apa tindakan haba ke atas rambut adalah sesuatu yang patut dielakkan. Ini kerana, ia boleh menyebabkan kerapuhan dan menjadikan rambut cenderung untuk gugur.
Selain itu, mandi air panas juga mampu memusnahkan minyak pada kulit kepala yang membantu memelihara akar rambut.
Jadi, elakkan menggunakan suhu yang terlalu tinggi apabila mencuci rambut semasa mandi. Minimumkan juga penggunaan pengering rambut atau ‘iron’.

6. Menggunakan Sikat Yang Tidak Sesuai

Pemilihan sikat yang sesuai mampu memelihara kesuburan rambut dan menjadikan kulit kepala lebih sihat. Sikat yang paling sesuai adalah yang diperbuat daripada bahan kayu, keluli, atau seramik, bergigi jarang dan tidak terlalu tajam pada hujungnya.
Seelok-eloknya, cari sikat yang mempunyai bebola pada hujung gigi sikat kerana ia membantu menekan kulit kepala dengan baik, lalu memastikan peredaran darah menjadi lancar.
Bersihkan sikat rambut secara rutin agar ia tidak menularkan kuman. Anda boleh mencucinya dengan air suam agar rambut dan habuk dapat keluar dari celahan gigi sikat tersebut. 

7. Banyak Mengambil Makanan Segera

Seperti tubuh badan, rambut juga memerlukan nutrien bagi memastikan kesihatannya. Kekurangan sumber yang diperlukan oleh rambut akan menjadikannya tidak bermaya dan mengganggu proses pertumbuhan rambut yang lebat.
Oleh itu, amalkan pengambilan makanan yang kaya dengan protein, zat besi, zink, dan vitamin. Oleh itu, jangan abaikan pengambilan daging, telur, susu, sayuran, dan buah-buahan.
Mungkin ramai juga yang tidak tahu zat seperti kuprum sebenarnya diperlukan untuk mengekalkan warna serta struktur rambut. Makanan seperti bijian penuh, tiram, dan kekacang adalah sumber terbaik kuprum.

Hentikan Tabiat Buruk, Ubah Sekarang Untuk Rambut Yang Bersinar!

Penjagaan rambut yang sempurna bermula dari awal. Tetapi, ramai yang lupa bahawa ia turut dipengaruhi oleh tabiat yang anda lakukan setiap hari.
Maka, cuba elakkan daripada tabiat yang disenaraikan di atas supaya rambut menjadi sihat, kuat, dan tidak gugur sebelum waktunya!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Keguguran rambut kerana kemoterapi di Malaysia ( Chemotherapy Hair Loss malaysia )

chemotherapy hair loss malaysia

Keguguran rambut kerana kemoterapi di Malaysia ( Chemotherapy Hair Loss malaysia )

Mengapa kemoterapi menyebabkan keguguran rambut ? Ubat-ubatan kemoterapi membunuh sel kanser , tetapi mereka juga memberi kesan kepada sel-sel sihat, sel-sel tertentu yang membahagikan dengan cepat.
Keguguran rambut akan berlaku kerana kemoterapi menyebabkan kerosakan sel-sel folikel rambut di kulit kepala dan  folikel tersebut adalah tidak dapat membuat rambut baru.
Keguguran rambut berikutan kemoterapi biasanya hanya sementara. Apabila rawatan telah selesai , rambut mula tumbuh semula .
Dalam beberapa kes rambut sudah pun mula tumbuh semula walaupun rawatan belum selesai

Berapa banyak rambut akan aku gugur ?

Ini akan berbeza-beza di antara individu . Secara umumnya orang yang menjalani kemoterapi akan kehilangan semua rambut di kepala mereka
tetapi sesetengah orang hanya akan mempunyai keguguran separa dan lain-lain tidak ada sama sekali . Rambut juga boleh hilang
dari kening,eyelashes , kawasan kemaluan dan di bawah lengan.
Rambut gugur juga boleh berlaku di hidung , ini menyebabkan hidung anda akan mengalami keadaan semacam flu. Ini berlaku kerana
rambut tidak lagi hadir untuk menghentikan lendir yang keluar . Ini boleh menjadi sesuatu yang mengacau kehidupan
Sesetengah lelaki mungkin kehilangan rambut dari janggut dan misai mereka dan juga dari kepala dan ramai lelaki juga berasa cemas seperti wanita tentang kehilangan rambut mereka.

Berapa lama ia akan mengambil masa untuk tumbuh semula ? ( Hair Growth )

Rambut boleh menjadi sangat nipis apabila ia pertama kali tumbuh kembali , tetapi ia mungkin akan tumbuh semula
kepada kepala penuh rambut 3-6 bulan selepas rawatan habis
Pertumbuhan semula rambut adalah berbeza di antara individu . Ada individu yang mengambil masa yang singkat untuk tumbuh rambut dan ada yang mengambil masa lebih panjang.

Semoga semua pesakit kemoterapi di malaysia boleh berbaik pulih dengan cepat dan tidak mengalami masalah rambut gugur .


Monday, May 25, 2015

Toppik Malaysia Roadshow 2015 @ Nu Sentral Mall KL Sentral

Thanks you for all the support from fellow malaysian, malay, chinese , india, ethic group and foreigner to make this roadshow a success .

We heard a lot of customer comment ''it is like magic'' and from the eye of the public toppik hair building fiber really is amazing and make your hair look thick and full in just a few seconds...

Toppik malaysia wish you guys have a pleasant stay in Kuala Lumpur and have a nice hair everyday

Monday, January 5, 2015

Top 5 Hairstyles for Thin, Thinning or Fine Hair ( Toppik Malaysia )

Top 5 Hairstyles for Thin, Thinning or Fine Hair ( Toppik Malaysia )

Why is it that we always want what someone else has? We often notice that people with thin or fine hair seem to always want thicker, fuller hair, while people with thick, full hair seem to envy those with thinner, more manageable hair.

At Toppik, our aim is to help those with fine, thin, or thinning hair find convenient solutions to accentuate the gorgeous hair that they already have. With a few hair tips from us, we hope you’ll finally start to love the hair you have, and no longer wish for anyone else’s hair but your own.

Is Your Hair Thick or Thin?

Before we dive in, if you aren’t sure about the type of hair you have, there is an easy technique to help you determine whether you have thick or thin hair. If you are able to place your hair in a ponytail, the circumference of the ponytail will tell you the amount of thickness your hair holds. Typically 2 inches or less indicates “thin hair” and 4 inches or more is considered to be “thick hair.”
Now that you know more about your hair type, your haircut and hairstyle should largely be determined by the type of hair you have. Too often we see women with thick hair trying to sport a pixie cut, or women with thin hair trying to accomplish layers, or men who are just starting to lose hair shave their whole head right away. It’s crucial that you know what your hair is capable of, and you work with it instead of against it.

Top Hairstyles for Thin or Fine Hair

Thin Hair Tip 1 - grow bangs

This layered haircut with sweeping bangs creates the illusion of volume without making the hair look too big. The side-swept bangs frame the face and give the hair texture, instead of falling flat.

Thin Hair Tip 2 - blunt haircut

A blunt haircut sheared all the way across gives the hair a more fuller look and feel.  A clean line helps to draw attention to the face and away from the hair.

Thin Hair Tip 3 - pixie cut

The pixie cut is a great way to hide thin or fine hair completely. A layered pixie with subtle highlights adds texture and the allusion of volume to the cut.

Thin Hair Tip 4 - receding hairline

If your hair is thinning slowly, a longer haircut is a great way to hide an early receding hairline. Once you grow out the hair on the top of the head, simply brush the hair forward to hide any signs of hair loss or hair thinning.

Thin Hair Tip 5 - short & spiky

If your hair is beginning to thin all over, a short and spiky haircut might work well. It will help create the look of volume while also focusing the attention on where the hair is, instead of areas where the hair might be thinning.

Thin and Fine Hair Maintenance

Once you’ve selected a hairstyle appropriate for your hair type, it’s also important to equip yourself with the right products to help you achieve the look of full, thick hair.
If, when styling your hair, you find that some areas of your hair look thinner than other areas, consider using Toppik Hair Building Fibers to help touch-up and hide these thinning areas. They also work great around the hairline and for larger areas of hair loss.
Helpful Tip! You can build and reapply as needed. The travel-size Hair Building Fibers conveniently fit in a purse or pocket – making them a great on-the-go item.
Another product that you may want to consider is a volumizing gel or cream – this can help to give your hair added body and shape. Toppik Hair Fattener adds body, shape and a bit of shine and durability, so your hair appears thicker and fuller instantly and remains looking great throughout the day.

Once you’ve styled your hair and added Hair Building Fibers where necessary, the last step is making sure your hairstyle will stay in place all day. Toppik FiberHold Spray not only provides long-lasting hold, but also ensures any Hair Building Fibers that you’ve applied stay in place by strengthening the bond between the Hair Fibers and your hair. This means your hairstyle is now ready to last as long as you need it to.
Do you have any hairstyling tips or products that you’ve tried and love? Share them with us in the comments below!

Happy hairstyling! 

Stay in the Know

Now that we’ve given some pro tips on hairstyles for thin, fine and thinning hair, check back with us next week for a delicious post about the best foods that promote hair growth and hair revitalization.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

13 natural remedies for hair loss ( Toppik Malaysia )

13 natural remedies for hair loss ( Toppik Malaysia )

hair loss

Consider Your Diet

Protein is the building block of the tissues in your body, including your hair. Make sure you are consuming enough proteins in your diet. The best sources of protein are milk, egg whites and fish.
You also want to eat foods high in omega-3 fatty acids—such as salmon and mackerel—two or three times a week, or sprinkle a tablespoon or two of freshly ground flaxseed onto salads or cereal each day.

hair loss

Increase Vitamins & Minerals

Vitamin A is crucial to healthy hair because it “works with the fat synthesis.” Food products rich in vitamin A include leafy greens, carrots, and eggs.
Vitamin B12 creates more creation of red blood cells, which ultimately provides more oxygen for your body!
Vitamin C and Iron – save your hair with iron supplements paired with vitamin C (which aids iron absorption.)
Vitamin E also encourages circulation in the body and helps grow new blood vessels, which helps hair to grow.
Some of the most important minerals for hair health are — calcium, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc. You can find lots of these in your favorite vegetables, or you may want to consider taking a daily mineral supplement.

hair loss

Regulate Hormones

Many people who begin losing their hair early or without explanation find they have a hormonal imbalance. If you have other hormonal symptoms, look into natural supplements for hormone regulation and foods that promote healthy hormone levels.

hair loss

Talk To Your Doctor

There are several health conditions that can lead to hair loss, including stress, thyroid disease, anemia, and medications for heart disease. Talk to your doctor to make sure it’s not one of these other issues.

hair loss

Drink More Water

Staying hydrated is crucial in tissue growth and health. The hair shaft itself is largely made up of water. Set a goal to drink AT LEAST 64 ounces each day. Also, avoid carbonated sodas all of which will weaken your immune system and make your hair more likely to fall out.

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Breaking Bad…Habits

Smoking reduces circulation, and this includes blood flow to the scalp. Drinking alcohol and caffeine will hamper the immune system and cause further hair fallout.

hair loss

Keep The Peace

Believe it or not, most of the time, the root cause for hair loss is stress and tension. Try meditation or yoga to help reduce stress and calm your mind.

hair loss


Regular exercise allows sweat to clean out and unclog your hair pores. The exercise will also make you healthier overall which will help you grow longer, stronger locks.

hair loss

Oil Scalp Massages

Scalp massages help stimulate the hair follicles to increase hair growth! Take any natural oil – olive, coconut, almond – add a few drops of lavender or rosemary essential oil to it, and massage gently into your scalp. Put on a shower cap and leave it on for an hour, then shampoo your hair. Follow this remedy once a week. It smells great and is very relaxing! Your locks will seem thicker and stronger than ever.

hair loss

Essential Oils

Lavender, rosemary, and thyme have been shown to help hair growth and prevent thinning or balding. Try massaging the essential oils into your hair after shampooing, or you canmake this Rosemary & Lavender Hair Rinse that my sister Rebecca created.
 hair loss

Natural Juices

You can rub your scalp with garlic juice, onion juice or ginger juice. Leave it on overnight and wash it thoroughly in the morning. (I personally will stick with essential oils!)

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Green tea contains antioxidants which prevent hair loss and boost hair growth. Apply warm green tea (two bags brewed in one cup of water) on your scalp and leave this mixture on for an hour and then rinse.

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Be Kind To Your Hair

  • Set your hair dryer on cool and low settings, and minimize your use of flat irons.
  • Don’t dye your hair more than one or two shades its normal color: The more severe the color change, the more chemicals you require, which can make hair break.
  • If you use hair gel or hair spray, don’t wait for it to dry before you comb through it, because the hair will harden and be more likely to break.
  • When hair is wet, use a wide-toothed comb instead of a brush, and LIGHTLY comb through hair; avoiding any pulling and tugging.
  • Avoid unnecessary brushing, combing, curling or straightening. Excessive use of these tools and techniques will weaken the hair at the root level.

hair loss

Getting on board with these natural hair loss remedies can help a LOT in preserving the hair you have and making it thicker and lusher in the process. However, despite doing everything “right”, there’s always the chance that our genes may dictate that continued hair growth just isn’t in the cards.
We can’t necessarily alter what nature has in store for us, but by using these natural remedies, we can slow the progression of hair loss and maintain healthy locks for as long as possible.